Robert JanJeekel is the Head of European Union Institutional Affairs for ArcelorMittalEurope. As such he is responsible for the interaction with the institutions forthe company, including on the policies that impact the decarbonisationinvestments. In this context he has been dealing with all the linked relevant Europeanlegislation, e.g. the ETS, CBAM, environmental & energy state aid rules,renewables, hydrogen & gas package, sustainable finance, circular material,CCUS legislation, the review of the power markets and the new legislative EU mandate.
Robert hasbeen Chairman of the Public Affairs Committee of the European Steel sectorsince 2012 and represents ArcelorMittal towards the European Union Institutions,as well as within associations like BusinessEurope and ERT.
Prior tothis he was Director Energy & Climate Change for Eurometaux, the Europeanfederation of non-ferrous metals sector. Before that he held public affairsfunctions for Dutch and US industry. His professional aim is for Europeanlegislation to be leading to the optimal development of European industry,economy and value chains.
Robert was bornin 1967, is of Dutch nationality and has a degree on Management ofInternational Organisations and Relations of the Rijks Universiteit Groningen,Netherlands & on Business Economics of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels,Belgium.
Registration for CCUS 2025 will open soon.
The conference will be held 15-16 October 2025 at QE2 Conference Centre, Westminster London.