Professor Paul Fennell

Imperial College

Prof Paul Fennell C.Eng C.Sci F.IChemE conducted his PhD in Combustion Science at Cambridge and has published > 100 papers on a wide variety of industrial and energy engineering subjects with >24000 citations, and has an h-factor of 61.  He has advised DECC, BEIS and the Environment Agency and his work was cited more than 20 times in the most recent IPCC assessment report.  He has chaired the IChemE Clean Energy Technology Special Interest group and was a member of the government’s roadmapping team for decarbonised Iron and Steel production to 2050.  He has conducted consultancy in the area of decarbonisation of Cement for BEIS and deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Industry, as well as CCS readiness.  In 2019, he was part of the expert group for the taxonomy of Green Investment Bonds, and helped to secure the place of CCS within it.  He is an accomplished science communicator, and in 2015 he won the IChemE ambassador prize.

Registration for CCUS 2024 is now closed.

The conference will be held 15-16 October 2024 at Central Hall Westminster, London.