Originally trained as an Industrial Chemist and in Chemical Engineering, Paul has spent over 30 years working internationally in the Energy and Environment fields for both the public and private sector, and in consultancy.
His career experience covers renewable energy and waste technologies, industrial emissions and impact reduction, project & policy/regulatory development & implementation, as well as investor technical and environmental due diligence. He has specific sector expertise in waste-to-energy and biomass energy, carbon capture and regulatory standards.
Working for the European Commission he contributed to the development of key EU waste and environmental policy, including as Author and project leader of the first EU “Best Available Techniques” BAT Reference (BREF) document on thermal waste treatments. Since then, he has worked internationally on numerous projects for the development and implementation of waste and energy infrastructure, in both a technical and project management capacity, as an adviser to industry, investors, regulators, national and international governments & agencies, and has developed leading international consulting businesses in these areas.
Paul is a current member of various industry sector groups on EFW, carbon capture and heat, and was Chairman of the UK Chartered Institute of Wastes Management (CIWM) Special Interest Group on Thermal Waste Treatment for over a decade. Amongst various projects for clients in the public and private sector, he is currently acting as an expert adviser to OECD on industrial emission standards & regulation.
Registration for CCUS 2025 will open soon.
The conference will be held 15-16 October 2025 at QE2 Conference Centre, Westminster London.