Dr Maxine Akhurst

Principal Geologist


Maxine is a principal geologist at the British Geological Survey with extensive experience in offshore and onshore geological survey, research and modelling, specialising in CO2 storage research since 2008. She is a highly experienced Project Leader and leads, manages and contributes to applied geoscience research projects. Currently, Maxine leads effective and optimal use of subsurface geological resources for offshore subsurface energy storage in the MOET project and site selection for the BGS and UKRI CO2 Storage Research Facility. She leads science development for the CO2Stored UK national CO2 storage database and is the Scottish Academic Cluster Lead in the Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre and directorate member of Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage.


The conference will be held 15-16 October 2024 at Central Hall Westminster, London.

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