Mark Claessen

Senior Vice President Growth and Project Delivery


Mark is responsible for project delivery and sales executionwithin Svante, which includes the cooperation with strategic licensingpartners. With over two decades of experience in project development andstrategic B2B engagements, Mark is a versatile leader with a deepspecialization in the clean energy sector, particularly in carbon capture andstorage. Mark’s track record spans the globe, working in diverse businesslandscapes across Europe, the Americas, Asia, and the Middle East. Whethersteering initiatives for scale-ups (for instance, Cansolv and Svante) ororchestrating success within multinational corporations (such as Shell, BASF,Voith), Mark brings a proven ability to drive innovation and deliver impactfulresults. Mark has extensive experience in carbon capture and storage projectsincluding the Boundary Dam Carbon Capture Project, Peterhead CCS, and the TestCentre Mongstad.

Registration for CCUS 2024 is now closed.

The conference will be held 15-16 October 2024 at Central Hall Westminster, London.