Dr Sebastian Fischer

Policy Advisor

German Government

Sebastian is a geologist by training. After receiving his diploma from Free University of Berlin (FU Berlin) he joined the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam (GFZ Potsdam) as a research associate. In 2013 he finished his PhD at Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin) with a thesis on geological CO2 storage. Following a post-doc position at GFZ Potsdam he moved to the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in Hanover in 2014, where he worked as a scientist in the field subsurface use potentials/geological CO2 storage. In November 2022, he started his secondment at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) as a policy advisor for carbon management. At BMWK, he is currently working on the German Carbon Management-Strategy.

Registration for CCUS 2025 will open soon.

The conference will be held 15-16 October 2025 at QE2 Conference Centre, Westminster London.