Alex Milward

Director Carbon Capture Utilisation & Storage at Department

Department for Energy Security & Net Zero

Alex Milward joined the Civil Service in 2021 after nearlythirty years working in the private sector specialising in leading large scale multi-yearprogrammes within the energy sector focused on organisation transformation,operational improvement, commercial innovation and supply chain.   Alex’s experience spans working for largeinternational Oil & Gas companies, as well as water, gas, and electricityutilities.

Alex is co-leading the UK’s Carbon Capture, Utilisation andStorage Programme within DESNZ.  Thisinvolves setting the policy, legislative, regulatory and funding frameworks tolaunch a new carbon capture UK industry in collaboration with the privatesector to provide low carbon power to the electricity grid, decarbonisedoperations for industries such as chemicals, cement, refining, and waste aswell as enable the production of blue hydrogen and introduction of engineerednegative emissions such as BECCS and DACCS.

Registration for CCUS 2024 is now closed.

The conference will be held 15-16 October 2024 at Central Hall Westminster, London.